Low Back Pain: Sacroiliac Sprains

Low Back Pain: Sacroiliac Sprains

Sacroiliac sprains are caused by injury to the soft tissues of the Sacroiliac (SI) Joints.  The SI Joints are formed between the Sacrum and the Ilium, which are parts of the pelvic bone.  The joint surfaces of the SI joints are irregularly shaped, providing an interlocking mechanism for stability.  They are also strong weight-bearing joints with very little mobility.

What causes Sacroiliac Sprains?

A sacroiliac sprain occurs when the sacroiliac ligaments, which are the strongest ligaments in the body, are pulled beyond their limits.

In young patients, pregnant women, or patients with degenerative joint disease, the interlocking support may be weakened, and the SI joints may be easily sprained by prolonged or sudden lifting or bending.

The classic presentation of an SI Joint sprain is pain over one SI joint after straightening up from a stooped position.  The pain may radiate down the back of the thigh but rarely moves down the lower leg.  It is usually relieved by sitting or lying down.

Sacroiliac sprains can be prevented by avoiding being in a stooped position for prolonged periods of time and/or straightening up rapidly.  If frequent lifting is required, the individual should use a low back brace to help support the SI joints.

What is the chiropractic treatment approach for SI Joint sprains?

Although not often recognized as the source of low back pain in the medical literature, in the past few decades, chiropractors have been treating SI dysfunctions with satisfactory results.  Patients with SI sprains usually have significant relief with manipulation.

* A proper diagnosis has to be obtained for all of the above conditions before an appropriate combination of treatments will be provided. This is just a list of possible treatments for the individual condition but not all of them may be necessary, nor is it limited to those listed only.

Hong Kong Spine Centre

The spinal health information in this website is provided by our registered chiropractors for public education purposes. Visitors are advised to seek professional help from a registered chiropractor, as individual conditions vary.

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  • Mon - Fri / 10:00 - 1:30, 3:00 - 6:00
  • Sat / 10:00 - 1:00
  • Sun & Public Holiday / Closed
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